
Everyone loves bugz, so on this page, it's over to them...

Hello, we are bugz. There's George, Dave, John, Maggie, Paul, Helen, and Ringo, and we're here to let you know about stuff. Bugnugz is bug language for 'Psycadelic bugz are the best- don't mess with 'em.'

If you would like us to advertise anything, from gigs + albums to buisiness things- And the house of bugz is a very popular site- then just e-mail josh: [email protected] E-mail gets checked a few times a week- So give it a try, go, strike, whizz, bug, run, whatever you call it- It's completely free (at the moment).

Us bugz just want to say one thing- "Keep watching the ground."

and this space... Click on the vw beetle bug to return to the bughole...