
Music is great for boosting your energy, especially when listened to in an appropriate way. Here are reviews on latest releases, downloads, and the benefits of listening to music.


Music affects our moods. It can help to calm you down, or liven you up. If you listen to tranquill music, then you will feel tranquill, it also works when you listen to Jimi hendrix, you feel like a fender strat being smashed up.


Yep, it's "I believe in bugs" again... but it truly is a great song, on a great 'album'. It's not just gret 'cos it's got bugs in it- it appeals to my insanity.

"Imaginary landscapes" is an ambient music volume, containing two cds. Artists include Baaba Maal, Brian Eno, The edge, and Prince Far I. I would let you listen to some of the tracks, but that would be slightly illegal...

The Egg's new album, is dance style music, and makes great sounds for a party- it sounds really good through a 350 watt PA... I expect...

I can't be bothered to do any more today, so I'll just upload this now, after putting a nice little download (it is legal... honest) It's a nice little program which I found as freeware, which is a realtime audio effects 'rack.' It's great 'cos you can alter the pitch of the input (including that of a microphone)

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